An Obscene Embrace

April 7, 2012 § 4 Comments

An Obscene Embrace
Stephen Martin

I wish I knew his name. He’s the pursuer who I pummel until he is a bloodied mess yet he won’t stay down, he won’t die, he keeps coming. I smash him with any weapon to hand: clubs, fists, teeth. I literally tear him apart. I pull him to bits and throw him to the wind. I stamp him into the ground, but he can’t be stopped, he’s indefatigable, he’s a golem. His pursuit is endless. I run from him slamming doors, pulling behind me tables chairs anything just to slow him down, just to stop him laying hands on me, that is the worst thing; but no matter what I do, no matter how fast I run, there is no escape. He reaches out and pulls me close. He holds me tight as if he’s part of me, as if we belong together. It is an obscene, an unbreakable embrace.


Born in Brighton England, Stephen now lives in Australia where he enjoys the climate, people and red wines. Although currently undergoing rehab for a knee injury, Stephen usually tours Australia with his partner, caravan and camera. Stephen’s flash fiction has been published in the Canberra Times and he has published photographs in Birds of Canberra Gardens and on a number of ornithological websites.

Image: Halton Falls, By Leigh-Anne Fraser

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